Korber model structures
Greetings all,

Does anyone have any knowledge of the Korber Model 'Gen Lt and Pw." structure that sells for around $125? I see it listed in the Walthers catalog but don't know anyone who has built or even seen this structure. Basically I am wondering is the quality of the product worth the price! Thanks
Welcome to Big Blue, Eric.

I don't have the powerhouse, although I've seen it on a layout tour - very nice if properly finished. I have their roundhouse kit, as yet unbuilt. When I do get around to it, I'll be substituting styrene for the roof and all of the wood bracing that comes with the kit - much easier to work with, and will keep the dissimilar materials to two, as this, in my opinion, is a weak point with such kits.

Many thanks. Still up in the air as to get it or not but sure do want a steam powerhouse on the new layout extension. Will let you know if I get it.


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