Help with HO Scale Helix design
Hi guys, im looking for some help with a helix idea that i have. Im not good with measurements and such, so im hoping i can get some help from you guys Misngth

You might have seen my M&ET plans in the Layout Planning forum. Well im redesigning parts of it, its going to be part layout and part modules. It needs to be a double decker layout in order to bring the size of this massive project down, which i do not have a problem with and i think would make it more interesting.

If you have not seen the plan, you can see it here in THIS THREAD

The specifications for the helix are pretty simple.... i think LOL

~~I would like the helix to be 22 or 24" radius.
~~Single Track would be fine, but double track would be great, but it is not necessary....
~~Im thinking that the helix would have to travel 14" down to the bottom level, 14" between top and bottom level should be sufficient room for all structures while also leaving enough "sky" room
~~Not sure how much space would need to be between each spiral of the helix....
~~Anything else??? I know im missing alot of stuff for the plans lol

The reason i only need a 22 or 24" radius on the helix is because i wouldnt be running anything longer then a 60' car down to the bottom level.... The engines that i would be running up and down would be 70 Tonners, SW1500's, and Gensets so there fairly small locos and could handle 22 or 24" radius with no issues....

Im looking for any and all advice here on this helix design/plan. I know there is probably some stuff that i left out that needs to be known, so please ask away and feel free to post your thoughts. Thanks in advance Misngth
Josh Mader

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