Mississauga Derailment -- 30 years after
The efforts:
The fire department had hoses on the burning cars for days. The fires were out on Tuesday morning and the chemical team started evacuating the rest of the chlorine from the tank. Up to this point, there was no knowledge of how much chlorine was still in the tank – various chemical reactions had made the measurement of the remain liquid uncertain. There were problems with the patch. On Wednesday they decided to vacuum out the chlorine instead of pressurizing. The operation was completed by Monday.

What happened?
There were no injuries. A few small buildings near the tracks were destroyed. The dreaded chlorine cloud never appeared. The feeling was that the chlorine had been sucked up into the atmosphere in the first few explosions and was never a danger.
Mississauga, an amalgamation of small towns, had spent the week in shelters and felt more like a community.
The Inquiry report recommends:
hot box detectors
rear view mirrors on locomotives
roller bearings on tank cars (and other cars)
double shelf couplings on tank cars
better head shields, thermal protection and better protection for bottom valves.

Most of my information comes from the inquiry report of Mr. Justice Samuel G. M. Grange.
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