Reading P7sa back to a C1
toptrain Wrote:Wayne , and Sumpter. thanks for the help. So the big pipes with their stuff are water ejectors to the boiler. and handle some kind of overflow. Most likely steam. The leavers for the fireman and engineer are for releasing, blowing off excess steam thro the overflow. Well I am probably wrong. i just have to make something that looks like that stuff. The things under the seat do look like a way of raising the seat for a better view for the engineer. it looks like a nice cushion and a piston for raising and lowering the seat. Wayne the big round reverse Handel. How did it work. I know it moved a cable. Was it just use for a mechanical advantage to overcome the restriction of pushing or pulling the reversing slide valve above the cylinders in and out. Is there a photo or drawing showing how this circle ( wheel handle) mounted in front of the engineer. Here is the other photo with a side view of it.
Frank - - toptrain


Ejectors are a slightly different appliance from injectors, and have been called "the poor-man's feedwater heater". Wink
The overflow would likely be some steam (spent) and some water (diverted from the feed pipe when the injector is periodically shut off). The levers would be for activating the injectors - normally, the valves for both water and steam would be open at all times (ready to use), and turned on, as required, by moving the appropriate lever.
As for the wheel, as far as I know it turned a shaft which was threaded (a worm) which in turn activated either the valve gear directly or via a power reverse mechanism. Earlier versions may have worked via a cable but such a system could accept input from either the engineer or the valve gear, the latter often resulting in injury to the engineer. The worm, because of the "steepness" of its thread, would accept input only from the engineer's control wheel. I couldn't locate a photo of the CPR version, but here's one on a South African steam loco:
reverse wheel


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