Latest project....
Wayne you are a man of many talents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Thanks for the kind words, guys.

When my daughter sent photos of the first desk to some of her former classmates, there were multiple queries, asking if I would custom-build desks for them, but I'm not really very well-versed in actual woodworking, nor do I have a suitable place to do such work.
Based on what my daughter has told me about the prices she saw on-line for desks, it could be quite a money-maker, but, while money's nice, it's never been a driving force for me.
If I do something, either for myself or someone else, and enjoy the process and the results are pleasing, that's recompense enough.

Wayne---after all the years that I've known you you never cease to amaze me with your talents---I think you should be promoted to "Professor Wayne" from "Doctor Wayne". Worship

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