Some somber pictures
I have been looking for different subjects to shoot lately. In a morbid way i suppose, I was looking for the ill effects of railroading.

Here are 2 of the first shots on this topic.

This crossing at Pineridge Rd was the scene a few years ago when a young man didn't make it across.


This shot is the memorial to one of the worst losses of life on Canadian Rails. September 1st 1947 Dugald MB. The Trainscontinental was waiting on the main at Dugald for the Minaki Campers Special to reach Dugald and take the siding. But for some reason the Minaki special failed to take the siding, instead hitting head on with the awaiting train. 31 known lives were lost, and many more injured. The Minaki special was using wooden coaches with gas lit lanterns, Upon impact the wooden coaches ignited. A google search will find most of the information on this accident.

That light at the end of the Tunnel isn't heaven.........ITS A TRAIN!

My Pictures
My Ramblings and Pictures

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