Firestorm at Z's....
MountainMan Wrote:On and on it still goes ....

Yes' it's odd, isn't it, that every reply seems to perpetuate this thread? 790_smiley_picking_a_fight Goldth Goldth

MountainMan Wrote:- the only model railroad forum that has a specific thread about another forum. You came here allegedly to get away from it, and then you brought it all with you anyway and you STILL can't stop talking about it.

There were several threads at crowdgather (Zealot) concerning this forum (un-named) and people's comments and complaints about crowdgather - the administration there removed the threads and the dissenting Members. We encourage open and respectful discussion here, and as long as people care to comment on this topic in such a manner, they will be encouraged to do so. Often, when you lose an old friend, talking about it helps to ease the sense of loss.

MountainMan Wrote:You folks need to seriously rethink your purpose in being here.

And you, Jeff? Wink Goldth

MountainMan Wrote:You folks need to seriously rethink your purpose in being here.

Have you?
Seems like the only reason you come here, is to throw another log on the dieing fire and fan the flames! This thread was just about dead.
It is my opinion, you are never satisfied with the replies everyone posts, to the ones you post. Either you're only reading what you want to read, or just ignoring those who gave you a reason, and an explanation as to what has happened over there. Why did it take you almost a week to reply to your last post. The last reply was from MadModeler who says he can still get on over there...And that was four days ago!

I have an idea. Why don't you post something at Zealot, that opposes what the owner and the admin are doing over there and see what happens. There are folks here who have. We all know from personal experiences what they have been doing over there, because its happened. You just never see it because its gone before you decide to make one of your sporadic appearances over there.

Try it....I think you'll be quite surprised to what happens.
And if you do try it, and see for yourself what actually happens...You are more than welcome to come here.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
doctorwayne Wrote:
MountainMan Wrote:On and on it still goes ....

Yes' it's odd, isn't it, that every reply seems to perpetuate this thread? 790_smiley_picking_a_fight Goldth Goldth

MountainMan Wrote:- the only model railroad forum that has a specific thread about another forum. You came here allegedly to get away from it, and then you brought it all with you anyway and you STILL can't stop talking about it.

There were several threads at crowdgather (Zealot) concerning this forum (un-named) and people's comments and complaints about crowdgather - the administration there removed the threads and the dissenting Members. We encourage open and respectful discussion here, and as long as people care to comment on this topic in such a manner, they will be encouraged to do so. Often, when you lose an old friend, talking about it helps to ease the sense of loss.

MountainMan Wrote:You folks need to seriously rethink your purpose in being here.

And you, Jeff? Wink Goldth


I am re-thinking being here, based on the attitudes of many members. This forum was supposed to be a solution, not part of the same basic problem. I'm frankly doubtful that this forum will be the proper venue for me to display concepts and construction that go beyond current mainstream thinking, as my layout does.

The comment about "losing an old friend" is hilarious. No one here, to hear them tell it over and over, "lost an old friend" nor are they grieving for anything. On the contrary, everyone expressed delight at leaving.

Thanks for asking. Now I'll ask you the same question, as well as this one - why can't you leave the old forum alone? Guilt? Fascination with the forbidden? Regret that it hasn't failed abysmally as everyone predicted? What? Even when there is no activity in this section, this thread just keeps on going, and blaming me for it is childish. It has perpetuated itself whether I'm here or not, and it will continue to do so because it touches some atavistic nerve in your souls. I can think of no other explanation. It's like a sore tooth; you just can't stop touching it with your tongue, over and over.

Meanwhile, the superb work being displayed in the old forum Logging section remains unrivaled anywhere on this forum, done by two modelers who did not change to the new venue. I challenge all of you to disparage their work or them on that basis.
Why do you have to keep bringing it up?
Again...Two days, nothing...Then all of a sudden, you show up again with some sort of complaint about people complaining about the other forum...When no ones said anything for two days!. Again!...THIS THREAD WAS DEAD! Can you understand that. JUST LEAVE THIS THREAD ALONE!
Why do you keep bringing stuff up. I know for a fact you were here the other day, and even posted in two other forums.
I get the feeling you have a problem with this place.
Its gettimg pretty sickning that this thread gets no response for two days and then you come along and bring it up again.
No one...Not any one, has posted anything in this thread for two days. And not one person has mentioned the other place since last week!

And don't EVEN try to blame members attitudes here.You're the one giving us the attitude. You're the reason, No one else, had said anything bad about you, or the other place in a week. You're the one that asked us to "re think our pupose here". And when we ask youu the same question back...All of a sudden we have an attitude?
I'm going to have to recommnd that this thread be locked, because YOU!...Thats right..You MOUNTAIN MAN can't leave well enough. Lets just hope for your sake, because you gotta keep bringing up stuff, and posting negative comments to members, and worse, MODERATORS, about stuff thats done and over with...That you don't get banned!
Maybe I'll recommend that also...Since it looks like that what you're working for here.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
MM...I believe you are either not understanding the nature of the observations made regarding the old forum, or you just plain don't want to see...The discussion here is not aimed at THE forum as a platform for viewing/sharing hobbies, but at the way the new management has "perverted" the essence of the hobby to pursue commercial ends. It's not the forum we're critical of, it's the way it's being run and used as a means of economic gain. I don't believe anyone here has a "death wish" for the old forum, as we all (or practically all...) had invested a lot of time and effort into it, some administrating, and most just posting to share the hobby with other modelers. The wealth of knowledge and advice still remaining there is what's at stake if it fails.

As to the quality of the modeling being done at the original forum, I don't believe you can say that it is "unrivalled" by that done here. I know you enjoy the logging forum as much as I do, but to say the modeling is unsurpassed is to turn a blind eye (by chance or design, I'm not sure...) to what is featured here. That the loggers there are quite happy with their "niche" is good for them, and for all who like to see some things "off the beaten path".

As to this forum not being a suitable venue for you "to display concepts and construction that go beyond current mainstream thinking" is something only you can decide. I for one have waited for some time to see some of your work, but have not seen anything come forth. I'm sure many would like to see diferent concepts and way of doing things, it's part of the hobby....

In closing, it was not the leaving that was cause for delight, it was the regaining of what once was...
Gus (LC&P).
Quote:In closing, it was not the leaving that was cause for delight, it was the regaining of what once was...

I'll Cheers Cheers to that!
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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