Walthers GP 20 DCC Ready ... NOT!!!!!
It appears that Walthers is saying it is ready for a board replacement but NO board is currently made to fit it. TCS is apparently saying 8 weeks out. I have no idea on other DCC companies plans for one.

Well I could not wait around so here was my solution.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fiferhobby.com/html/how_to_install_a_tcs_z2_decode.html">http://www.fiferhobby.com/html/how_to_i ... ecode.html</a><!-- m -->

Thanks Guys , Mike
Everyone wants to go to heaven , just not right now .
Fifer Hobby Supply

Mike & Robin
It looks like (not having one in hand, I can't say for certain) that a Digitrax DN163A0 would fit. I've used it in Atlas GP7s, and all that it really needs is to have the board filed slightly to fit the narrower chassis.
I looked at all we had in stock and none looked like they were even close.
Thanks , Mike

Everyone wants to go to heaven , just not right now .
Fifer Hobby Supply

Mike & Robin

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