2016-2017 Get off yer duff Challenge
Our recent poll has 20 responses expressing an interest in participating in a new Challenge, and this one will be to get folks off their collective duffs to either:

1. Start a new project and (hopefully) see it through to completion. Goldth

2. Continue with a project already underway, and (hopefully) see it through to completion. Misngth

3. Re-start a stalled project and (hopefully) finish it without stalling again. Crazy

Your project can be anything model railroad-related: from as simple as adjusting coupler heights for more reliable operation, to scratchbuilding a brass locomotive, and anything between those extremes. The whole point of this Challenge is to get you back on track with whatever needs doing on your railroad.

You may enter any or all of the categories listed, and also as many times as you have projects, although I would suggest that you keep similar projects together. For example, if you're building a number of structures, or pieces of rolling stock, or doing various layout improvements, keep the related items together in a single thread.

In the interest of keeping things from getting too complicated, all entries will be grouped together, whether new projects, ones underway, or ones stalled, although you are encouraged to include that information in your opening post each time you register a new entry.

The Challenge will begin November 26th, 2016 (after many of you recover from the after-effects of Thanksgiving dinner) and continue until midnight April 15th, 2017. This should give you lots of time to finish a project, and perhaps start another, or even another after that. The aim is to get you through winter with a feeling of accomplishment. We don't want to leave anyone's duff undisturbed. Misngth

Registration opens on November 26th, 2016 and will remain open until April 15th, 2017 (although that last one better be for a really easy project). You may register by replying to this thread, and each time you wish to start another project, register it here so that it can be added to the list.

Your thread title should include your username, followed by 2016-2017 Get off yer duff Challenge and include the (Part I) etc. notation if you're doing multiple projects.

For example: doctorwayne's 2016-2017 Get off yer duff Challenge (Part I)

At the conclusion of the Challenge, there will be Members' Choice vote, open to all Forum Members, with prizes awarded for the top five different picks - in other words, no entrant may receive more than one prize, even if they appear in the top five more than once. In that case, prize awards will cascade down to the next position on the list until all five are awarded. Let's face it: all entrants could consider themselves winners simply for having their duffs prodded into action. Misngth

Such prizes are awarded at the discretion of Big Blue Management and may (our discretion), include luxury automobiles, all-expenses-paid vacations, cash, or Big Blue challenge certificates.

I would like to add the available lot of prizes ... a roughly pound and a half bag (could be much more) of 1950's vintage EMD f-unit rust , but winner must provide actual shipping. 357 357 357 357 357 357
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Well, since it's already the 26th, I'll get off my duff with this long-delayed project, which may be viewed HERE

I was at the end of my benchwork today so I didn't post. Track work is on the agenda for tomorrow so I'll start a thread for that process.

Modeling a freelanced, present day short line set in Nova Scotia, Canada. 

got a lot of stalled projects so I guess it will be painting the log cars.

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