Santa Fe train Station
I incorrectly called it the 'Santa Fe' train station. It was actually a UP station in LA,...LAUPT station. I want a model of this station on the upper level of my layout to represent the 'west coast' of my trans-continental rr.
[Image: Santa%20Fe%20station%2C%20ps800.jpg]

A few days ago I was working on ideas for my container scene that is going to set adjacent to this station. I wanted to get a general idea of how large this station was going to be. I got out the 'footprint' images of Walthers and tried to approx the missing dimensions.

I started with those large windows/skylights,..
[Image: DSCF4540.JPG]

Then cut up up some scrap foam board I had,..
[Image: DSCF4542.JPG]

[Image: DSCF4544.JPG]

[Image: DSCF4550.JPG]

[Image: dscf4549-jpg.39770]

That tag of paper near the corner of the room is a small photo of the outdoor park area that will likely be made into some sort of view blocker for that curved track in the background.

The only height dimension I had to work with was that of the tower given by Walthers. I then had to guesstimate the roof height of the building itself. I think I got it too tall?

I threw in that extra window in the end of the building, feeling it was kind of missing something in that big blank end.

I'm also debating with myself as to whether to represent this side of the building as the back or the front?....working on those thoughts.

[Image: DSCF4292%2C%20upper%20deck%20plan%2C%20700.jpg]
It's actually the Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal model by Walthers that was used by all 3 RRs (ATSF< SP & UP) & street cars in Los Angeles CA, so it didn't belong to any one RR.
Andy Jackson
Santa Fe Springs CA
ATSF/LAJ Ry Fan & Modeler
I was playing with this 'image' this morning and decided to flip the station end-for-end. Regrettable I had not provided wall sides and windows for the backside of my mock-up. But I believe I like it this orientation better
[Image: DSCF4574.JPG]
[Image: DSCF4575.JPG]
[Image: DSCF4578.JPG]
I also moved my SF engine servicing building forward so the tracks go thru the building,.... and out the back
[Image: DSCF4577.JPG]
[Image: DSCF4576.JPG]

view block of some sort on left side of that station,...tall enough to hide a dbl-stack and auto cars

[Image: DSCF4579.JPG]
Perhaps a display piece outside that terminal for the passenger's memories, old time steam engine mixed into a 'park scene'.
[Image: DSCF4580.JPG]

BTW, would that engine maintenance building on the west coast be made of brick?

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