The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Our new electric fireplace arrived today and we picked it up at H.D. The worst bit of the installation -- putting it in the bookcase under the TV -- was that the old one had to come out the back. That meant removing all the peripherals (and the videos) so that we could shift the unit out. The old unit was blocked in with a small board and two screws. The new unit will slide out the front as it's just that much lower. Still had to put it all back and try to thread the power and communication cords through the back panel.
Temperature is down a bit.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning everyone, the start of yet another weekend, not too far from being halfway through the year. Is there someway to slow down time, or is it just me that thinks it's going faster than normal?

Had the family over for our anniversary dinner, turned out nice. Looks like we'll be having BBQ chicken and ribs for the next few nights though, lots of leftovers.

Temps are running a bit high for now, I did see 107 on the dashboard, and they said 108 was tops and it could get up to 110 in the next few days.

Talked to a friend who is well past retirement age. He was working two days a week until the pandemic thing hit. Now he's home making more from unemployment than when he was working. No wonder some people don't want to go back to work just yet. That extra $600 a week, added to the normal unemployment check they get is only good for four months, but hey, not a bad gig while it lasts....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Another sunny day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Right now it's a chilly-feeling 60 headed for the low 80s. With the low humidity it will make for another beautiful day.

Low key but productive day yesterday. I had to rake leaves that had come down after a storm and a day of high winds. Then got the yard mowed and trimmed. After lunch I spent some time working on the outdoor train. Also did some weeding and trash removal. Then filled in some low spots in the yard and planted some grass seed. A shower and a Corona (not the virus) completed my day.

This morning will find me wending my way to the gym for a swim and some resistance work. This afternoon's agenda is still in negotiations with my energy level.

Don - belated congratulations on 60 years. A milestone few people reach.

Frank -safe travels.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
83 and sunny. Suppose not to rain until Sunday afternoon. Headed east to Wilmington. Daughter babysitting.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello blue
It was sunny but a cooler 73 today
Big news for us today is the lab results, ovaries and cyst were benign.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Thumbs Up 
Don  2285_  60 is a feat anymore . my great aunt and uncle had there 82nt before he passed. were  going to have our 55th in two  months.
 been trying to put a easterncar works  drop center flat to gather , the  kit isn't the greatest and the instructions lack a lot  there are no pics so a lot is by guess work and the few photos I found on line of prototype. hot outside but here inside where I'm confined its only 83 deg.
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 63 outside my window this morning. Later it is supposed to be sunny and 82.

Yesterday did not go as planned. I had a very low energy level yesterday. The most I did was walk to the video store (about 8 blocks) for a couple of movies. Even that was a bust as I had already seen one of them. It was only 50 cents so no big deal. The only two items on today's agenda are to water the new grass seed and get rid of some yard waste.

SJ - super good news about Granny Pat!

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, thanks guys, 50 years married is a milestone, 60 is beyond comprehension, but when we make a commitment, we stay true to it, and each other. I guess if anyone asks, that's the secret.

Got an extra hour and a half sleep this morning, it's Saturday, nothing planned, so why not... Got plans drawn and material bought for my control panel setup. I might try to work on that out in the garage until it gets too hot to work. I remember being stationed in Yuma. We went to work early in the summer since the jets couldn't take off past noon because of the heat. That's about the same schedule if I try to work in the garage.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
hi all. warm day worked a bit this morning inventorying my magazine collection till it got to hot (something I can mostly sitting) might go back out this evening .

don as to making a marriage last  I remember that jonny carson had a actor I think it was ricardo montalban  on and at the time if memory serves me (that's getting questionable) had been marries like close to 40 years jonny ask him the secret and he said we work at it every day . hence the wife and I do the same thing. 
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and breezy headed for sunny and downright windy. 58 headed for the low 80s with winds higher that 35 mph.

Low key but productive day for me yesterday. Got the laundry caught up and the yard wast hauled away. Went for a walk and stopped by the video store to pick up a couple of movies. Also rode the bike for a while.

Nothing major planned for today. I may work on straightening out the solar rope lights around the track on the Backyard & Southern.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, another cold front heading in, nothing higher than 104 in the forecast all this week. AccuWeather shows a 1% chance of rain for a few days. What's funny though is last weekend there was a trickle, not enough to wet the pavement but enough to screw up anything parked outside, so their 1% chances paid off for a few moments. Applause Two things the TV guessers say that's about as old as frying an egg on the sidewalk are, "toasty", and, "dry as a bone". Yeah, we all know that 110 is hot, and 5% humidity is dry, so why not just say, "hot and dry"? Waiting

Got another notice from the HOA yard police, not for weeds, but there's a few dead branches on a tree that they want removed. As an alternate, I can replace the tree with one of their liking. Need to submit my choice to the HOA architectural committee.

There are a few wildfires going around the state, we've had a few small ones close by, and a few that have been burning for over a week now.

You're right Jim, you have to work at it, but it need not have to seem like work.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Sun but Kool this morning. Hi of 71 for the day. Temp will climb during the week.
My wife's recovery is going as expected. She seems better each day.
Tiss Flag Day so get em out there.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Home from Wilmington.  Rained the whole time.  Was raining when I left this AM.  Not rained a drop here since I left Friday.  Weddding went great ands moved inside.  Food was great.  Hotel was great too.  Had fun. 

84 and Sunny.

Have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
And a good Monday morning to ya all. Not sure what this week brings, just too much going on in this world to keep up with it all. Pat (Duffy) came by with one of those chain saws on a pole yesterday and got the tree trimmed in no time flat. Let's see if that's enough to keep the HOA police happy. Wish we had some of that rain Frank, that's probably the reason why that tree was in such bad shape. Got to remember to water it from now on, just can't rely on the rain. As an example, the record rainfall for today was 0.01" back in 1996.

Glad your wife is doing so well SJ. Good for her.... Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 64 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning with only light breezes for a change. The wind will pick up later and the temperature will climb to the upper 80s.

Got some yard work done yesterday, both around the track and the rest of the yard. This morning will be busy. First up will be a trip to Menards for 3 bags of rock for the train. Then to Walmart for some needed supplies. After that I'll be headed to the gym and I also need to get rid of a bag of yard waste generated yesterday. This afternoon I'll put down the rock if it's not too hot. Otherwise that can wait til tomorrow.

SJ - continuing prayers as your wife continues to recover.

Frank - sounds like a fun weekend.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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