Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
Update time!

I've had the morning and evening to work on the layout, and this is the result. As soon as the warehouse building has the cladding papers added that will be the majority of the legwork done on the main board, then it will be time to focus on the fiddle board and get that all up to scratch before payday, when the backscenes, river and fiddle cassettes can be done.

If I get the fiddle board done before month end I'll focus on adding the detailing to the layout. Lots of that to do! Smile

Pictures! Again, apologies for the awful mobile-phone camera shots, but it's dark here and the gaming room where I am working isn't particularly well lit. I've added a few photos with the flash on but it kind of washes out all the colour. Meh, one of these days I'll get a decent set of photos done (probably at TVNAM by the general public at this rate! Tongue)

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