Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
Not much progress this morning, but any progress is better than none, right?

With the success of the dirt colour on the extension board, I decided to go back over the main layout and re-paint the areas of exposed soil to match, as standing back and looking at the layout it was glaringly obvious that they were different. I'm much happier now, as it was really bugging me. Once I get home tonight I'll blend it in a little more with some scatter and static grass.

Anyway, judge for yourself. Oh, I also added more bushes to the front of the lumber yard.

[Image: 20140502_092321_3-1-1_zps778fc264.jpg]

I also gave my Little Plastic People a wash of Citadel "Ogryn Flesh". They need a lot more work but it makes a massive difference I think.

[Image: 20140502_092217-1_zps650e4a3f.jpg]

I spent the evening last night taking photos and making notes of the running numbers of all of my freight stock so I can make some waybills and car cards for switching. I didn't realise but (once the 5 extra flat cars I ordered arrive), I've got 57 freight cars - but that's counting the 16 coalporters or the 2 Gunderson 5 car well sets that I run in block trains.

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