Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
Well, I meant to spend the evening finishing off the wiring and testing the layout, but I've got an annoying case of man flu, and by the time I'd gotten home from work I just wasn't in the mood to be diving into anything massive.

As such, I just chilled in bed, watched some TV and started fitting my rolling stock with Kato 11-702 knuckle couplers. For the price these things are great - sure, you have to use an uncoupling tool to uncouple them when switching as they aren't capable of automatic uncoupling.

But considering I never intended to use uncoupling magnets anyway, this doesn't bother me at all. Plus they were incredibly cheap compared to the alternatives - £12 delivered for 50 pairs from PlazaJapan.

They are designed as drop in replacements for Rapido couplers, and - whilst they don't seem to fit EVERY coupler pocket, I've so far managed to convert about 20 freight cars and only had 2 where I had to swap the trucks as the couplers wouldn't fit.

I've checked them with Microtrains couplers too and they seem to be perfectly compatible.

For a cheap alternative to Rapido couplers, they definitely get my recommendation.

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