General electronics and or robots

I went searching for web sites about Ardunio microcontrollers and found one called IT e-books, downloaded 2 books in pdf form on the Ardunio , one on C++, and most useful to me at this point was a book on drawing for 3D printing with google sketch up which I have been using with mixed results the last book may fix my drawing rendering errors. 4 tech books in pdf for free they have tons more.

I do have actual books on microcontrollers, Pick axe, propeller and Ardunio. Seems like Ardunio is the standard format at this time. My 3d printer's brain I think is an Ardunio. MPJA catalog had an Ardunio based storage O scope that looked neat.

I have two Ardunio projects in mind that I would like to do some day:

1) A weather station that can detect and measure temp, light, air pressure, humidity and wind speed and direction, sounds simple enough but here is what I want to do the data from that weather station, I want it to interact with a text adventure game which I have not wrote yet where real world weather can change the state of the game environment adding realism and replayability.

2)I also want to make a automated lawn mower and snow blower(ok that actually 3 projects Icon_lol )

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