Building a modular home layout
I still haven't decided on the final modular trackplan, but to avoid another case of paralysis by analysis (and finally get to lay some track and run trains), I spent the Christmas holiday building sections all around the room. The sections are the same height as FREMO modules and have the same hole configuration for connection, and can be replaced with regular modules as I get around to building them. The sections can also easily be converted into modules later.

Right half of the room:
[Image: 3999_w1200.jpg]

Left half of the room, with the duckunder entrance. I'm thinking of cutting out an arch in the sections crossing the doorway, to make the duckunder a little easier on the back.
[Image: 4002_w1200.jpg]

All the sections have the FREMO modular interface for easy connection with regular FREMO modules:
[Image: 4004_w1200.jpg]

The narrower sections have connection holes matching the FREMO interface, with either the front or back side flush with the FREMO modules. The small section shown removed and sitting on top in the pic can simply be turned around, while the corner section below has a double set of holes to connect both ways.
[Image: 4005_w1200.jpg]

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