modelsof1900's Get off yer duff Challenge (Part II)
Now it's time to start my second challenge, my new N&W caboose of class CG which I would like to use together with my old-time class G1 loco of N&W - see Digitalizing a small loco.

Like with each new model - checking the underside with a not so bad result:

[Image: nw_cf-caboose-02k.jpg]

The brake was well detailed and especially it was that what I would like to have - a K-brake like it was installed at prototypes after 1900. But not all is very good!

[Image: nw_cf-caboose-05k.jpg]

First I started with small modifyings on the trucks, the cast on brake shoes onto the side frames have given a wrong look!
I filed and grinded they off from the side frames and replaced they by Kadee brake pads so the shoes are positioned exactly on level of wheels now.
And second I added power wipers on insulated wheels which I made from coupler center springs from Kadee.

[Image: nw_cf-caboose-06k.jpg]

Now the frame and brake and as I said, not bad but also not good!
Look the bolsters and cross bearers. They all were only brass strips and not very prototype-like! I streigthed them and glued thin plastic under the bolsters and brass strips so they look like real cross-bearers.

[Image: nw_cf-caboose-07k.jpg]

And I replaced all the not prototypically bent brake rods by real straight ones where the small chains at ends are already prepared for their connection to hand brake shafts under the end sills of platforms.
With taking the last picture I have seen that the toilet sink must be also filled yet by a bit of two component resin then such an open pot gives also not a very good look! Sure, a trifle only but it disturbs me!

To be continued.
Cheers, Bernd

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