doctorwayne's Get off yer duff Challenge (Part I)
Well, I'm not totally helpless with the German language, and recognised "air" and "pump", but got tripped-up wondering about "druck" being a separate term, even though I interpreted "regler" as regulator.
The locomotive does have a couple of fittings on the smokebox front, but they certainly don't look like governors....must be located somewhere else....yeah, that's it...they're somewhere else. Misngth Crazy
I did make governors for the airpumps on my Ten Wheelers, though, so I'm well aware of what you speak:

[Image: Ten-WheelersfortheGrandValley046.jpg]

As for the 2-6-6-2, work on the tender has seen some progress. Because the tender was shortened, mostly in the area of the cistern, and then the coal bunker extended into the remaining cistern's deck area, layout of the components required some planning.
The back-up light placement was really the problem, as most of the other details had to go in certain places, leaving only a site high on the rear of the coal bunker extension.
I used a brass headlight from PSC, soldering it to a homemade brass bracket, then adding .010"x.030" brass strip (from Detail Associates) as support braces. A piece of .008" phosphor bronze wire (Tichy) represents more Bx armoured cable, and it will be connected to a junction box on one of the tender's handrails...

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20095_1.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20096.jpg]

The angled portion of the bracket, behind the lamp casting, slips into a slot cut between the rear of the bunker extension and the slopesheet inside the bunker. The braces have been drilled to accept a short length of .012" wire, the exposed ends of which will represent the heads of mounting bolts - these were added after the light and bracket had been installed.

I set out to use Lutz's method of creating a diaphragm connection between cab and tender, but ended-up simplifying it to non-moving parts, some on the loco and some on the front of the tender. While not as elegant as his solution, it at least gets rid of the gap between loco and tender, and still allows movement around the tightest of my mainline curves.

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20100.jpg]

Here's what's left of Bachmann's circuitry inside the tender....

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20101.jpg]

...and a few over-all views...

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20097.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20098.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20099.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20102.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20104.jpg]

The sides of the tender still need to have rivet decals applied, but I have something else that will also need rivets and will do both when the other one is ready, too.


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