My observations
Fourlift - I find it unfortunate that you feel this way. I can assure you here that people have nothing against freelancers, or nothing against shelf switching layouts - because this forum is filled with both. Keep in mind this is a relatively small forum that sees much less traffic that some of the more well-known forums out there. We are all busy, have our own lives, and sometimes don't have the time to post comments immediately. In fact, I was not even noticing many great threads on here until I discovered the "view new posts" button on the top menu. In fact, I can't keep up with everyone's progress, and the best I can do is quickly scan their threads about once every week or two.

As an illustration, I have a thread for my layout, as I did on the previous forum. There have been times I posted updates, and it may be a week before a single response. It wasn't because people didn't care or appreciate my work, but because the layout forum in which my thread was located did not see the most traffic. It simply was overlooked. In fact, many comments would say "whoah! I just discovered this thread, nice work!"

But whatever you choose, that is your choice. We would love to have you continue here, but if you choose to venture off, I wish you happiness.
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