My observations
Gee, Bob, you're upset because you got five very positive responses? Eek And that's to pictures of which you say 60% were "random shots from around the layout". Then you comment that "None of the areas are finished.I still have a lot of details to add." So we're destined to wait in vain for the "finished" views, I guess. :?
Some folks will comment the moment you get a picture posted, others a little later. Some look, but don't comment, perhaps waiting for further developments. At present, 84 folks have taken the time to look, so about 6% of the viewers have responded to your 5 photos.
To avoid dragging in any innocent bystanders, I'll use my own "Barney Secord flies the Grand Valley" thread in comparison. With 150 viewers, there were 19 responses, or roughly 12.7%. Sounds about twice as well-received as yours, with a little more than double your total, percentage-wise. While I'm extremely grateful for those responses, my thread contains 48 purpose-shot photos (there were more that didn't make the cut) and some required cropping and editing, too. Should I be only half as disgusted as you by the "meagre" response that I got? After all, you garnered a response for every photo which you posted, while I got only one response for every 2.5 pictures posted. Misngth (Incidently, I have a lot of unfinished, and even unstarted, areas on my layout, too.) 35 Misngth
When we post pictures (or sometimes even merely comments), we open ourselves to response from the viewers. Hopefully, it will be positive, or, if not, at least not too harsh in its criticism. I think that the Members here are generally very considerate of one another, making it easy to "stick one's neck out" by posting some pictures. You had all positive feedback, albeit not enough for your liking. In my opinion, it's unrealistic for any of us to expect an avalanche of positive feedback, no matter what the subject or skill level displayed. Is it not sufficient to be able to show your work in a friendly environment, to share it with others no matter how unresponsive they may be? Do you honestly feel that not one of the 79 "silent" viewers of your thread got something from seeing those pictures, whether it was an idea for their own layout, or merely a sense of enjoyment from seeing those pictures?
You're correct in noting that not everyone likes switching layouts, but most people don't like everything which they see, either. The wiser ones will see something useful (and perhaps comment) while others will slough it off as "not for me". Tough! Tough for them, maybe, but it shouldn't be tough for you. You shouldn't have had to "think for a long time" to come to the conclusion that you're the only one that you have to please, because that's the way it is for all of us.
With that said, I hope that you'll reconsider, and stay with us.
And, by the way, no one will be removing you from the Members' list, as you've done nothing to merit such action. I hope to see some of those areas when you've got some of the details added, too.


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