The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon folks

It is 69 heading to 74. We had some dense fog this morning. I could barely see the house across the street at one point. For the most part the fog has lifted.

Did not have a good night and having a so-so morning. The bladder is flaring up. Having pain and frequent trips to the bathroom. During the night from about midnight to 4 AM it was averaging 15 to 2o minutes between trips. The interval is longer now but the irritation is still there. I have what is now called painful bladder syndrome (used to be called irritable bladder syndrome). Not a lot is known about it. They know is has something to do with the lining of the bladder and that it makes the bladder think it is full when it is not. Sometimes certain foods can trigger a flare-up. I cannot not eat tomatoes and I have to be careful with certain spicy foods. Some claim caffeine is a culprit, but I have found if I limit my caffeine intake, I am fine. I can drink Pepsi, but Coke products can be a problem. There is no medication that helps. There is an experimental drug, but I am not a candidate for it at this time. One thing that does seem to work is a procedure where a cystoscope is inserted into the bladder and then the bladder is over filled with water. This stretching of the bladder seems to help. I apparently had this done several times when I was a kid. Unfortunately, the records have been lost. In order to perform the procedure, I have to completely under anesthesia. One of the signs of the syndrome is a catheter cannot be inserted without extreme pain. The last time the urologist tried I had to stop it due to the pain. Since I have had issues with anesthesia in the past they are hesitant to do it. I think the episode last night and this morning was caused by lemonade. I drink a brand I never had before with lunch since it was the only think available. Another one for the no list.

I ran trains last night. I did some organization of a few things on the layout and the rolling stock.

Today I hope to work on some boxcars and weather them.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!! - by tompm - 09-25-2020, 10:38 AM

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