The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, tomorrow is Christmas Eve, got here really fast this year but we should not complain given the fact that lots of folks didn't make it this far thanks to the world-wide pandemic. Been looking through the news and can't find anything about how these vaccines are being distributed in Arizona. They say front-line workers first, seniors second, but never say when or where. I see lots of tents set up across from the hospital in Sun City West, I'm assuming that will be one place to get your shots one of these days but no one is saying.

Talked to my SIL in upstate NY, she said that she's digging out of 2' of snow and more on it's way. She lives in a retirement apartment and still has to shovel snow off her walk and to get her car out. Most retirement communities have exercise sessions, this may be how hers does it. People around here frequently brag about not having to shovel sun, these are the folks that come here for the winter and go back up north when that sun gets too intense. I try to keep quiet about this in hopes that it doesn't draw in more snowbirds.

Well, enough of that for now, tried to get into Walmart yesterday afternoon, bad decision, took about fifteen minutes just to drive though their parking lot and get out of there.  Too many last-minute shoppers, I think I'll just go to the small one with just groceries and no TV sets or bikes. I remember many many years ago buying our kids bikes for Christmas and years later they told me that they found where I hid them long before Christmas. I guess it's a game with kids looking for presents before they make their way under the tree. I did it when I was a kid, didn't you????

Take care and be careful out there.....
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 12-23-2020, 06:02 AM

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