The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks,

It is 27 out there now. High will 37. They are calling for rain and freezing rain this evening and tomorrow morning. There may be some snow mixed but with only an inch of accumulation. The snow does not bother me, but the ice does.

On Thursday, the wife heard some scratching sounds coming from the eave in our master bathroom and closet. I went out to look and sure enough the facia was pulled off. Friday called the pest control company. Just like us he suspected squirrels. He looked and did not see anything in the eave, so he sealed it up.

Saturday slept in late and had to make a run to PetSmart for prescription dog food and to CVS to pick up syringes for the dog. He has diabetes. Sunday was doing laundry and giving the range top and hood a heavy cleaning.

No modeling for show this weekend. Everything was behind the scenes. My son and I went over the track plan for the layout remake. I took an inventory of what track I had and compared it to what we need. I have about 90% of the track but no switches. I spent Saturday evening trying to track down Code 100 #4, #6, and #8 turnouts. I had to make four separate orders for about half of what is needed. After seeing what was available and prices decided to do one track loop with all needed turnouts. This way I can run trains and expand as I get more materials.

I looked over how I am going to expand the width of the layout. I figured out what lumber I need and how much along with pink foam boards. I need to head over the Home Depot this week and buy it.

Several Model Railroader books on trackside industries arrived over the weekend. I read the one titled, “Milk Trains and Traffic.” It was very informative read. We are going to need to change a few things on the new layout. I have the Walthers Brook Hill Dairy and now we know better where to place it. I will need a couple of milk platforms. This also boasts the need for a team track or two in the city section. I now have a possible operations scheme to work with some night.

The other books I got are “Guide to Industries: Livestock & Meatpacking,” “Produce Trains and Traffic,” “Express, Mail & Merchandise Service,” and “The Model Railroaders Guide to Grain.” To help with the construction of the layout I also got “Modeling Cities and Towns,” and “Space-Saving Industries for your Layout.”

Today is putting the last of the Christmas decorations in the attic and continuing the battle with the laundry. I need to stop by the pharmacy and grab a prescription and a few OTC items. I am hoping my daughter can run me over to Home Depot this evening. The lumber I need will not fit in my car.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by tompm - 01-25-2021, 08:35 AM

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