The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Happy Pi Day, Gang

43 going to 49 with rain, sleet, freezing rain, snow, and winds near 40 mph. Typical Iowa spring day.

I had a surprisiingly good day yesterday. Got the laundry caught up in the morning. After lunch I met my daughter and her husband at the storage place. We cut the lock off and lo and behold all my son's "stuff" was there. 98% of it will go in a roll off. Got back from there and decided it was nice enough for a bike ride. I rode for 7 miles and am suffering no ill effects this morning. Probably no riding for the upcoming week as it's only supposed to be in the 40s until next weekend. No major plans for today. I may go for a walk in the rain but if I do it will be in the morning before the winds pick up this afternoon.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by FiatFan - 03-14-2021, 06:20 AM

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