The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, chilly and cloudy yesterday and today. Normal for today should be around 80, the forecast says 62, no 80's for a few more days. Busy day yesterday, ran errands, put 50 miles in before I got back home. Did pick up my new gun, got there as the store opened and there was a flock of guys all heading to the ammo shelves. Like piranhas at a feeding frenzy, they were all over what was in stock. The clerk told me it was like this every day. A few of them hung around for a while hoping that they'd put more up, but they didn't. Since I was buying a .22LR, I asked if he had any ammo for it and he went to the back room and got me 100 rounds. They would have lasted a few milliseconds if they were on the shelf, so I think they do this as a courtesy for their gun buyers. And that's the rub, there are ten million new gun owners out there and more each day, all needing ammo, then there are those that may have ten million rounds stashed in their basement and still want more.....

Today is a free day, I don't know what I'm going to do, but whatever it is, it'll be by choice. Got to start figuring out what I'm going to do for our upcoming challenge. I think I have an idea, still have two weeks to decide.

All the Irish restaurants and bars are loading up and expanding out into their parking lots, tomorrow be St. Paddy's day. I got a chuckle at this cartoon, Wiz of Id

Everyone, have a great day and stay safe out there....
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 03-16-2021, 06:19 AM

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