The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Hi everyone, I have been busy with our motor home so lacking in posting here. 
David, I don't know what it would cost to have this shipped to Canada if anything but 2.94 isn't bad for a cigarette lighter voltmeter.
I don't know what power train is in your motor home but as a former Ford parts man and mechanic we had the wire right at the started would work lose and all you got was a click. battery and lights will be OK.  A battery should read 12.6 volts without the engine running and running should show between 14 and 15 volts. over 15 is over charging. Under 14 won't maintain the battery. 

I found out how valuable you folks are on this forum. I had a question on this motor home I bought and the folks on the motor home forums couldn't answer my question. Had i asked a modeling question here I would have got an answer. As it was I was removing the front cab over window and I took one screw out to make sure I had the right replacements. They used of all things, a #7 x 16 metal screw so I started searching and nothing was available. I had done some of these windows before and they were screwed into the interior window frame which made a huge clamp out of the window and I figured I probably had the same thing. 
I decided to remove all the screws and remove the window and see how many screws were reusable. As it worked out there were only 3 of 30 that were not useable so I proceeded to remove the window. The window screws were driven into wood so all the worry was for nothing. Had someone just told me that I would have saved a lot of time and I will replace them all with # 8 screws to make sure they tighten well. The frame is good, no rot so all I had to do was clean the caulking off and reset the glass in the aluminum frame. I am redoing the ceiling and repairing 2 small places that were water damaged. It has been a fun project so far and my wife and daughter are really getting into it. 

Prayers for everyone. Back to the trains soon. 


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 08-05-2021, 09:14 PM

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