doctorwayne's 2021 Do Something Challenge - Part 1
(10-07-2021, 11:49 AM)jim currie Wrote: Wayne I've had the same thing happen i finally traced it down to spots i touched after washing (aka finger oil )

I think that you're right, Jim.  I usually wash the assembled larger components in preparation for painting the brick, but that last one likely wasn't washed, as I hadn't planned on painting it.

I'll remove the mortar that's there, then toss it into some soapy warm water, give it a good rinse, then let it air-dry.
I have another 3 or 4 DPM structures that have their bricks painted, but are still needing mortar.

I also have some used and poorly assemble DPM kits and parts, which I hope to make into something useful...perhaps an addition to the Atlas kit for Middlesex Manufacturing.  When the partially assembled DPM kits have all been partially painted and mortar-fied, I'll be setting them aside so that I can get back to working on the baggage and head-end cars, which were the original subject of this thread.

(10-07-2021, 07:24 PM)BR60103 Wrote: Wayne:
Lee Valley sell plastic razor blades which I use where a steel knife might damage the surface. I bet they could be cut down to the size required.

Wow, that's a new one...I wonder what kind of a shave they'd do.  I don't have much problem with the X-Acto blades, but I always use my Optivisor when doing such work...without it, I might not only damage the item, but likely myself, too.

I'm constantly re-sharpening my X-Acto blades, and the only time I use a new one is when cutting-out decals.


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RE: doctorwayne's 2021 Do Something Challenge - Part 1 - by doctorwayne - 10-07-2021, 11:58 PM

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