The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, they call this "Back Friday", I think "Crazy Day" might be more like it. I'm not rich my any means but to stand in line for hours hoping to snag something that's selling for $10 less just isn't my thing.

David, you must have watched the same two stations that I did. I recorded one, the one where they chatted and had guests and talked over the parade. saw more of them than the floats. The other station is being blocked at DISH so I had to watch that one using an antenna. As usual, folks I never heard of singing songs I'd rather forget to the point of being painful. No Christmas songs until just about when Santa was ready to show up. Everything is lipped-synced, I noticed one group of ladies didn't move their mouths during their whole performance which included moving around like robots. Still, I can see where the kids there were eating it up and that's what it's all about.

Every year I say the same thing, I'm not going to cook a turkey next year, either go out to eat or bring in take-out, and every year I go cook a turkey anyway. Cooking is easy, it's the cleaning up that gets me. But, now I have bags of turkey in the freezer for at least six more meals. They were saying that turkeys were in short supply, I heard ads selling them for $3 and $4 a pound. Was in the small Walmart on Wednesday and they had turkeys for 87 and 98 cents a pound, and there were plenty of them there without folks fighting to get a piece of the action.

Today is "stay home day" except for breakfast and maybe the Post Office. Hope you all have a great day whatever you do, and if you do go shopping, good luck and stay safe...
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 11-26-2021, 06:29 AM

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