The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all.
 We went to our sons house for dinner last night. I took the home made noodles and everything was great. There were a bunch of little toe headed little girls that were cute as buttons enjoying the festivities. We have 18 great grand children and 15 of them are girls. 

I cooked a turkey about 2 weeks ago and froze a lot of meat, now I too can have left over turkey sandwiches which is really the only drawback to going out for the meal. 

My wife watched portions of the parade and I did from time to time but to me a parade is about marching bands playing marching type music and floats with people having a good time. They need to make it more of a Christmas theme or take Christmas clear out of it. The blabber mouths should be off screen and in the background and only announce the band playing, or the contributor to the float/balloon.  The one record wonders of the year don't even need to be featured as far as I am concerned.  

Last week we had a bank robbery at a local bank and there was a robbery at a local church store, both caught on CCTV. The bank video was grainy and black and white and impossible to make out the perp. The church store video was in color and you could almost read the inscription on the guys ring. He was nailed within an hour. They got the bank robber too because there was a CCTV outside that showed his car and license plate.

We have some snow flakes falling and 2 inches may fall Sunday.  

Stay safe everyone.


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 11-26-2021, 07:44 AM

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