The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning everyone, well, it did rain yesterday, some to the north of us, a bit to the east and some more to the southeast, not a drop here. Looks like another chance next week though.

Need to spend today getting someone to get rid of the weeds, it's warm enough now and they're sprouting all over. I also need to find someone to patch my ceiling. One quote is for $2300, I called a guy yesterday, he's saying about $300 for the drywall, probably another $100 for insulation.He says he doesn't like to paint though. That I can handle, but I'm going to check a few more out, this guy is around 3 weeks before he can get to it. Why can the other company charge so much, well, they're a preferred provider with the insurance company and they know what they will pay.

Went shooting on Monday, the guy I usually sit with at breakfast said the he was the only one in Brenda's that morning. The new owner was there and he said she never even said "good morning". Most days when Brenda was there it was hard to find a seat shortly after 6:00. Anyone want to buy a restaurant.... cheap??

Y'all have a fine day, me, I'm going to be busy on the phone....
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 02-17-2022, 06:03 AM

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