The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, temps here still in the low 100's, but not long. This was forecast as a wetter monsoon season, but so far, as usual, they are not being, "the most accurate weather" (one TV station), they brag about being.

Bought a new keyboard a while ago. started making typos from the get-go, couldn't keep my hands in the "home" position and thought it was laying too flat. I raised it at an angle with no help when it dawned on me yesterday, that the keys themselves were flat like on a laptop and not tiered like a typewriter. Brought my 20-year old keyboard back out and it was like putting on an old pair of shoes, so comfortable and familiar, it works great even though some of the keys are worn to the point of not having letters, but I was taught touch typing in high school so that's not an issue. I guess since a lot of people now days use laptops, they're now making desktop keyboards that match. Got to do my diligence the next time I go keyboard shopping.

Nothing scheduled for the next three days, got one house project I'll do today, been putting it off for a while now, I may go to the gun show in Phoenix with my younger son on Saturday. He's suppose to get comp tickets, so I'm waiting. Don't need any new guns or ammo, but it's an interesting couple of hours if all you do is people-watch.

Good luck today Matt, and everyone, have a great day.
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 07-06-2022, 06:19 AM

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