The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
It's noon here, I spread a very little bit more limestone. My grandson in law is going to bring his small tractor with front bucket when I am ready and do some work for me. I could rent one but I know he can use the money. I will probably do most of the work because he isn't that experienced but he is a great guy and he will watch and learn. He kept me supplied with venison steaks because he didn't like them but enjoys hunting deer. I told him to cook them just like beef and quit trying to make it so it didn't taste like venison. He did and told me they were great, his whole family liked them so I probably cut myself off from a good thing.
The weather gal this morning had nothing bad to report so her segment would have only been 10 seconds but she did about 2 minutes on the possible (20% chance) of Armageddon type thunder storms that might (just might) move through the area.  
I wonder if all the local channels do the same with live breaking news.  One segment was live from the scene of an accident that happened overnight and it had been cleaned up and nothing was left but she stood in front of a tree that the car had just barely missed. She said to stay tuned through the day for details because none were available. (It is a slow news day).  We also get live from the courthouse news at 11 PM (long after everyone has gone home.  Kind of like the weather channel hyping the wind from a hurricane. 

Have a good day. 

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 07-19-2022, 10:13 AM

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