The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning 

        It looks like more rain here today so I will work in the train room again. I spent the day yesterday inventorying my purchases from the previous day. I was glad to get my friends trains and I will cherish them until I die but right now I am just a little sad that he isn't here to run them with me. I know his spirit is with me so I will take that as a good thing. 

       They have flood warnings up for us all day but it appears the heaviest rain moved through overnight. 

        Tom, if you want to have the best sweet corn you ever ate leave it in the husk and put in in the microwave (silk and all) allow 2 minutes an ear. Whenit is done cut the ear just above the stalk end at its biggest point and  Use pot holders and hold the silk end and squeeze the ear out the bottom end. The silk stays with the husk and it is delicious. I have kept eared corn for 3 days before cooking and is still very good.

         Don. I hope this week shows you have a remarkable improvement with no more surgery needed. The same for Tom in PA with your back and shoulder. I imagine your project will be placed on hold with all the rain. I know what it's is like fighting a flooding river while building along it. When we built the hydro plant on the Beaver River 40 years ago we were flooded out several times, the worst was on May 4th of 83, my 25th Wedding anniversary. I missed he surprise party the gave us while I was working trying to save the coffer dam which was a wasted effort. This photo shows the power house floor and the generators are in the plastic covers.     

          We have a whole week of rainy days ahead so I will have to work what I can under cover.  I need to make some long boxes so I can store all of my steam locos with sound connected. I don't like unplugging those wee connectors . That is one  more project. 

          Have a good day everyone. 

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 09-06-2022, 06:12 AM

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