The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Beautiful Sunday here in Maryland. Upper 60's a bit of breeze.

Spent a good portion of Saturday moving my father-in-law's stuff from one apartment to another in an independent living facility. Luckily, same floor. Still, it was a good workout and no fingers were lost and no one's feelings were hurt in the process.

Went home to watch the 2nd half of the Penn State Michigan game. My Lions didn't show up in the 2nd half. However, my Phillies were playing game 4 of their division series with Atlanta at the same time - that went much better. Caught up a little bit on "Rings of Power". I'm a Tolkien fan and the series is quite good. Wondering how many seasons are planned...

Served at mass early this morning and the dog and I did our weekly tortuous assault of Rocks State Park. Came home and decided I really needed to get the pressure washer out and clean off my bluestone patio - it was more like greenstone before...

Finally got some computer time after getting cleaned up. Found a prototype Reading SD45 pic as inspiration for the upcoming weathering project. Also started a little work on the Mud Run area planning out the routing of the river there. Decided to get all of the prep work done for application of Realistic Water - really only want to do that one time in that area.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by TMo - 10-16-2022, 01:33 PM

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