The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning, folks

It is quite chilly this morning at 42. However, when I was out at the job site a little over an hour ago the car thermometer said it was 37. They say the high will be 55.

I saw a spine surgeon yesterday and he is sending me to an injectionist to discuss getting an injection in back to help with the pain. He still wants me to do physical therapy but understands right now with the pain I cannot tolerate much, thus the reason to the injectionist.

Due to the township being off for Election Day and Veterans Day this week I had to put our trash out last night. Our usual pick up is recyclables on Wednesday and trash on Friday. This week there no recyclables. I moved around some laundry, and we began collecting the Halloween decorations in one location so we can put them away in their proper bins.

I ran my Amtrak “Frist Day” E8 with seven Walthers Mainline cars. I ran the train for a good hour. I also tried out my new photo lights and took some video and photos. Funny thing I had no problems with the train until near the end of the run and slowed the train down and then a car split a switch. Two different cars on two different switches. Running at 15 to 20 on the controller fine. Slow down to 5 or 7 problems.

Tonight, is work on the Halloween decorations and begin moving the potted plants indoors for the winter. I hope to run some more trains and experiment with the lights some more.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by tompm - 11-09-2022, 07:53 AM

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