The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Well, I seldom chime in with local goings-on here, but last night we got winds of 120km/hour out of the north (sounds like a big deal, but it's actually the equivalent of only 80 mph). 
It was enough, however, to lift a 6' high and 7' wide half-gate in our driveway right off it's hinge pins, even though it remained latched to the other half of the gate.
With the wind still blowing snow all over the place this morning, it took me over an hour to get it back in place.
I also had difficulty getting into my car...the locks were were frozen, as were the doors, too, but a few medium body-checks against the doors eventually got them opened.
The snow wasn't all that deep, except where the drifts usually collect, so I decided to shovel away the stuff that the snowplows push off the street and into our double driveway, then sauntered down to the next-door neighbours place and shovelled out their two-car entry-way too.

We also got a tree in the backyard knocked-over by the wind...probably caused by development next door, where they had installed catch basins and drain pipes right next to our property line, and while doing so, removed most of the root growth on their side of the property line.
The tree wasn't overly big (only 60' or 70') but there are another 6 or 7 still standing, also devoid of half their roots, too.

It took a while for me to thaw-out enough to get back down to the workshop to do some more train stuff for another friend.

Merry Christmas to all you model train nuts, and best wishes for a Happy New Year, too!



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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by doctorwayne - 12-24-2022, 07:51 PM

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