The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Crazy week.

Lost my Aunt late last week, a lung cancer survivor who made it to 91. She was like my 2nd mom for the first 11 years of my life, they lived right across the street and my brother and my two cousins did a lot together. Had the memorial service and a dinner together with a bunch of my relatives and my uncle's friends in the Poconos yesterday - 6 hours of driving to make that happen. Bittersweet - seem to only see a lot of my relatives at funerals these days.

Also had a crown placed on a tooth on Thursday evening, took me about an hour to get numb enough to buzz off the top of that tooth. For a while there I thought they were going to send me home with a temporary, but it got done - milled, polished and etched in the office the same evening.

Trying to upgrade one of my iPods to larger capacity solid state memory. Having trouble with the micro-SD cards that I purchased a few years ago as the media for the upgrade. I'm about ready to put that project aside for a while, but it's been in my head all week.

With all of that and work, not much model railroading accomplished - hope to change that over the weekend. Almost ready to lay some ballast in the Mud Run Curve prior to gettting on the foreground scenery. It also appears that my GP38 has made it into the Post Office box - I'll pick it up on Monday I guess. I'm gonna tear in apart and work on the DCC install first, Delaware and Hudson patching, painting and weathering after establishing that the decoder works.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by TMo - 01-21-2023, 12:50 PM

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