Interaction Hobbies Schaake Machine Works
Thanks Tom. I've been away with some other projects but I made some progress this weekend.


It was pointed out that I did not add washroom facilities to the building. I made a small room in the back right corner for just such a purpose. As it turns out, that's also where some vent pipes are located on the model.


It is also fitting that one of the window fans are located here. To give the room some privacy, I masked the wall with some post-it notes and sprayed dulcote over the widow to frost up the glass.


I then turned my attention to the roof. I wanted to make the roof removable so I bordered the inside with 1/8" square basswood. I left the corners to allow the interior wall braces clearance.

Then the test fit. There are holes in the back right for vent pipes and a square that you car remove for a chimney. I decided not to go with the chimney as my interior wasn't designed for one. I also figured that since this building has a boiler house, that would be how the structure would be heated. 


The kit has some black construction paper for the tar paper. It works well, if you can get it to stick right. I had to spot glue a few places after to get it to lay right for me. After the glue is dry, you cut out the skylight holes.


There are 24 rafter tails to install. since the roof is removable, the rafters are glued to the roof only.


Disaster struck as I was finishing the roof. I had airbrushed it with Vallejo Blue gray, then I sprayed Vallejo's clear acrylic matt over it. somehow it turned this molted, speckled finish. I ended up airbrushing the blue-gray back over to fix it.
 It does have an interesting texture to the roof now. I'll be adding some chalk weather down the road.

I added lighting the same way I did the first floor. It was a little tight getting all the wires down the styrene tube.


And with the lights on. This pretty much finished up the main building. Next are the two lean-tos. The one is a wood storage shed, the other is the brick boiler house. I'd like to color the bricks in red-brown traditional brick color, but the bricks are laser engraved in concrete cinder block size (I checked the measurements) I'm trying to decide what to do there.

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RE: Interaction Hobbies Schaake Machine Works - by cnrglen - 01-29-2023, 08:36 PM

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