The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

-1 going to maybe +5. Similar forecast through the week. Gonna be a long week.

Had to run the snow blower a couple of times yesterday. First time was to get rid of the snow and drifting that had occurred overnight. Second time was to clear the ends of the driveway and sidewalks after the plow had been through.

I get a chuckle out of my neighbor in the mornings. He comes out about 6 to start his personal truck, a 3/4 ton diesel, and his work truck and lets them idle. About 6:30 he leaves in his personal truck for about 10 minutes and then returns. When he returns he hops in his work truck and away he goes. Sure glad I don't have to pay his fuel bills. On a side note if the wind is just right (or should that be wrong?) the fumes from the diesel exhaust come in the house. Makes it nasty for a little while. End of old man rant.

Don - I agree that $800,000 is quite high but I don't have an issue with the college players receiving some compensation as they are making millions for their school. Many schools are using the NIL scheme to funnel money to the to recruits. Glad I don't have to be the one to draw the line as to what's compensation and what's a bribe. It's been going on for decades but with the NIL it's more out in the open. Wow! Two rants in one day. I shall now retire to a neutral corner and remain silent. (Yeah, that's not gonna happen.)

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by FiatFan - 01-30-2023, 07:11 AM

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