The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is 40 heading up to 56.

I did not watch a minute of the game even though the hometown team was in it. Been there, done it too many times with them. Once again, they lived down to my expectations. Hopefully my daughter will not have a busy day at work today. She works for a domestic abuse center and days after a loss are usually not good for them. With the way this game ended it could be bad. She got a text last night after the game saying be prepared. A sad note to the way things are. There are several cases of the “green” flu today as about half the workers are out.

We did all of our running on Saturday. However, we forgot to go to the produce store. I will need to do that today or tomorrow. We did some cleaning around the house and other chores including the never ending laundry.

On the layout I did a track cleaning session since it had been some time since the last one. Ran one of my IHC 2-6-0 Mother Hubbards aka cammelbacks. It was running a little rough. Additionally, a set of problematic crossovers were acting up again. After some thought I decided that they were redundant and given the fact I had never used them I removed them. I feel this gives me better options for the area where they once were. Went back to running the locomotive. Still having some issues. Took a good look at it and found the metal spring, as they call it, was loose and not holding the front trucks in place. Since I had to remove the trucks I decided to remove the bottom of the locomotive to check out the wheels and any gears I could see. Things were slightly oily. I did a quick cleaning of excess grease and oil and put a drop of oil on the gears and closed things up. I reattached and tightened the “spring” and reattached the truck. I will need to do a more in-depth cleaning and oiling of the locomotive. I put it back on the layout and low and behold it ran beautifully. I then added 17 cars; seven 30 ft flats with tractors, two 36 ft boxcars, seven pickle tank cars, and a caboose. The locomotive pulled them effortlessly even at low speeds. Once I download and edit the video and photos, I will post them.

Today the wife and I have therapy. I need to repair a couple of Christmas ornaments before we can put the last of the stuff away.

If I get the chance I will go downstairs and stare at the layout as I contemplate what to do next. I could do some ballasting, work on laying out some roads, plan a creek. I may just run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by tompm - 02-13-2023, 07:43 AM

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