The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is currently 36. Temperature was a few degrees cooler when I went up to the project site over an hour ago. It was a cold that went through and seemed to get into your bones. I have another trip up there in about a half hour. Hopefully the temperature will be a lot closer to the predicated high of 45.

Last night was relatively quiet. My wife got a message from someone through a DNA ancestorial site she did a few years ago. The person says they were identified as a second cousin. He provided a few names. She was able to match one name and the relationship seems to be through her great grandfather. Unfortunately she does not have much information on him. Her great grandmother on the other hand she has information going all the way back to the early 1700’s. There is actually a book that traces her ancestors from a person born around 1700. M y wife’s grandmother is in the last generation detailed in the book. I believe she is 8th generation making my wife the 10th generation. We will be doing some further research when we can as we do have a few leads.

On the IHC PRR Pacific I installed the DCC in I realized the headlight was not working and it was going the wrong way. I changed the orientation of the plug and now the headlight works and it moves in the correct direction. Thanks to Todd for the heads up. I do need to get LED’s for the headlight and the tender light. That is a whole other learning curve for another day. I also programmed the loco number as the address for it.

My wife is supposed to have her MRI this evening. It has been postponed at the last minute due to issues with the machine. Hoping tonight will work out. Depending on how that goes will determine what I get done around the house or with the trains tonight.

Time to layer up and brave the cold at the dam site.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by tompm - 03-07-2023, 08:46 AM

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