The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning 
     It's 31° in East Palestine heading for 49° with sunshine. 

     I have an LED outside light that has quit working so I will see if I may have a loose connection. It isn't old enough to be burned out, but that too is a possibility. 

     I got the yard on the layout ballasted so I may be able to pull the temporary brads holding it down. Maybe I can start on the center yard this evening, 

     Don, did it require a special permit to trim that cactus?  

     I am glad we only have train derailments to deal with. I think our traffic problem is caused by the media and the lawyers circling the wagons.  I am not saying it wasn't bad, but it has been way overblown. The banking crisis may take the media away but the lawyers will hang around. 

      Tom, I am surprized there is sap to contend with already with the cold temperatures you are experiencing.  Burning here is a no-no because Ohio has a burn ban on all open burning between 6AM and 6PM  March, April May and October and November.  I guess it's OK to start a wildfire between 6PM and 6AM (who writes these laws)


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 03-20-2023, 07:44 AM

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