The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon folks

It is currently 59 heading up to 64.

We had a good weekend around the house. I got some tulips that were in pots planted. I put several plants back in their proper locations are the squirrels apparently relocated them at some point. I did some trimming of the weeping cherry tree. I basically removed branches that were out of line and did not have any blossoms on them. Inside the house the laundry got rearranged. My wife made the potato salad. My daughter did her baking, making her tres leches cake. This year she tried Easter bread after we forgot to order it ahead of time. The bread came out well. The only problem was a heated discussion between her and my son regarding the glazing of the bread. He did not want any glaze. She agreed to leave a section unglazed for him. However, she reneged on the agreement after he stole a piece of the bread. The last thing done was the coloring of the eggs.

Easter was a quiet day. We had our usual dinner attended by my wife, my son, my daughter, and myself. I handled the ham and the sweet potato casserole. My daughter made mac and cheese from scratch. The microwave took care of the vegetables. After dinner we found a movie on Apple TV called “Greyhound” starring Tom Hanks. It is about a US destroyer escorting a convoy during the Battle of the Atlantic in the Winter of 1942. It was an enjoyable movie and the fact my daughter and wife watched it through is a testament to that since they never watch war movies.

I did not get much done on the layout. I did glue down the foam board base for the Union Station. I organized my weathering pastels, pigments, and supplies. I also organized my airbrush paints and other airbrush supplies. I packed them in bins to make them easier to find and store. I worked on the walls for the Morgan House kit.

Today I have an appointment to see the Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist to see what if anything can be done about the hearing loss in my left ear. After dinner we will begin putting the Easter things away. Perhaps I will find time to continue working on the walls of the Morgan House and paint the base for the Union Station.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by tompm - 04-10-2023, 10:20 AM

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