The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning
     It is Monday. My left lower back and hip are in need of a chiropractor. I called mine and found out they have moved out of town because of the derailment. The receptionist said the office smelled too bad to work in. It is rather odd because they are next door to a hot dog shop, McDonalds, and a Rite-Aid drug store that were only closed for 3 days, and the office is farther away from the wreck than my house. I think maybe they are going for the big payout. The other fellow in town is affected because they have the road to his office blocked off because he is within a block of the site. There is a highly recommended chiropractor in Darlington (about 7 miles away) but he takes Monday off so I will call him tomorrow. 

     I got some more models out of boxes and placed in the new yards. I found things I had been missing so it was a good evening. 

     We have light rain and 47 degrees and it will probably remain the same all day. 

      Tom, you gave me a reminder, I haven't cleaned my window AC yet so it is a good time to get it done. I take mine apart every year and clean the fins. The filter allows enough dirt to get through that it will plug if you don't keep them clean. I had one I got for free that didn't cool and would freeze up. It was so bad I sprayed it with Awesome soap full strength and used the hose on it. I let it dry in the sun for 3 days before trying it and I used it for 10 years before it just quit. 

     I have to go get mower gas so I may do that in a while and then just hide in the train room for the remainder of the day. 

Everyone enjoy the spring weather. 

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 04-17-2023, 09:13 AM

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