The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning.
      It is a muggy 70 degrees here with a good chance of rain very soon. 

      We stayed home yesterday and enjoyed being here. I worked on one old train car last night,  It was a cheap Life-Like from the 70's. I replaced the trucks and couples and repaired 2 of the stirrup steps that were broken. I enjoy making these reasonable runners and I have a lot of novelty Tyco cars that I will eventually do also. The little great grandkids enjoy these and I like making them good runners. It doesn't take much of anything but time, and hobby time is good time. 

      I got paint on the risers yesterday. I thought a little gree would make them less conspicuous. 

       We will have to go to Youngstown sometime today to pick up my wife's new glasses. I hate driving in that town.

       East Palestine is still collecting on the train derailment lottery. Now NS is going to revamp the city park to the tune of 25 million.  From what I see there are a lot of towns around the country that need to see how they can capitalise when a train derails. Keep in mind there were no injuries and no off railroad property damage. Oh, and they are going to repair the old freight station and give it to the town too. 

       One of the section of the new federal law calls for railroads to notify a municipality when they are transporting Hazmat.  I would expect a daily morning call to every town along the way because most trains I see have at least one hazmat car.  It will be like the California law notifying folks if a product can cause cancer, you know.  "This product may cause cancer in California" on water bottles .  

       We need to bring some sanity back into our politicians.


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 06-20-2023, 06:42 AM

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