The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
hi all. been absent tor a few days fell Wednesday morning went to urgent care on Thursday morning as the VA here doesn't work with any other er room they did a ultrasound and didn't see any blood clots  so they gave me a med for pulled muscles on leg was a bit better on Friday but still bed ridden Saturday morning went to bathroom and when i got up from toilet the pain was unbearable stayed with med from urgent care till noon called friend  he(wife was in no shape to drive fir 3 hours) drove me to Tuson VA er they did x-rays said nothing was broken but gave me some heavy duty pain meds 8mg of morphine injection  and a10 mg of steroids for inflammation and swelling .sent me home with 5 days of 2mg morphine pills and 5 days of steroids before injection a couldn't move right leg without level 10 pain after the morphine kicked in a had a bit of mobility got to go back to Tucson to see the orthopedist doctor soon .
stay safe Jim
stay safe .



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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by jim currie - 07-16-2023, 05:32 PM

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