The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good evening.
        Looks like a good storm coming and we have a humid 86 right now but the wind is cooling things.

        I finished building 4 Amfleet cars this evening but I find they need some conductive lube on the wipers so the locomotive can handle them a little easier. I have some graphite somewhere that should do the trick.  I still need to decal them but I will wait until I am really in the mood for those tiny decals. 

        I have a guy coming to help lay a vinyl plank floor tomorrow. I told him I need someone with knees that can kneel and I will do all the cutting so he won't have to get up and down. 

         I trimmed about 35 x10 feet of the neighbors hedge hanging into the alley that accesses my drive way. He gave me the stink eye but knows not to complain. The hedge is planted in the right of way and it gives him some privacy from the business next door but I need to keep it cut baack so the delivery trucks can come in without problems. 

         Have a safe trip to your sons place Tom. Keep cool. 

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 07-26-2023, 05:56 PM

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