The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is a fairly nice day thus far with a current temperature of 75. It is heading up to 84 but the humidity is dropping.

This week continues the craziness. Monday I was informed by my wife we had no Internet. Ran all the diagnostics I could to no avail. I called Verizon and set up an appointment for Tuesday. When I got home, I found the outside wire to the house had been cut by our yard people. Second time in a month the wire had been severed. Early it was squirrels, now our landscapers. Monday night we had a round of severe and damaging thunderstorms. Trees were down all around the neighborhood. My drive to work, Tuesday, took an extra 30 plus minutes due to detours from downed trees and/or wires. Verizon showed up and fixed the wire and we were back on the grid. Wednesday was a concrete pour which meant a 5 AM start time. Of course, the first truck arrived with the wrong concrete and had to be rejected. What should have been done by 10 AM now took until almost noon due to the delay caused by the wrong concrete being sent out. Yesterday was mundane except for the thunderstorm after lunch that sent everyone home early.

The only thing I accomplished was adding a decoder to the second Bowser Alco Demonstrator Century C-628 and programming the address. I did mark out where the roadbed goes on a section of track in preparation for gluing it down.

Not sure what the weekend holds for us. If the weather is nice maybe my wife and I will take a drive somewhere. There is some shopping to do and a few small chores around the house.

I would like to glue down one of the curves on the layout and begin wiring the east side of the layout. I have noticed some power issues on that side of the layout. Currently there are no drop feeders. I need to install them and wire them into the system. I still need to speed match the Bowser Alco Centuries. Maybe then I can run some trains.

I hope everybody has a good day.
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by tompm - 08-11-2023, 08:21 AM

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