The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
We had a call yesterday morning that the Michigan cousins had decided to come after all. We set out to meet them under the bridge, but it was raining so hard that we turned back after about 20 miles. They didn't have any trouble, but called us after arriving in Guelph when they found out that the hotel was going to be over C$220 a night. And NO FREE BREAKFAST!  We persuaded them to go anyways and brought them over for an evening at our place. We took them out for breakfast this morning and then drove up to Elora to see the Tooth of Time.  This is a rock formation in the middle of the falls in the Grand River as it enters the gorge.
They left with plans to go to Point Pelee.  There were reports on the news tonight of major flooding in that part of Ontario.

A couple of neighbours came over today to return a book.  (His claim to fame is having acted on stage with Bill Shatner -- about 70 years ago*).  Dayle invited them in to see the trains. They seemed interested but I couldn't get the train on my layout to run. So I ran Dayle's Galloping Goose.  The train started to run all by itself while I was diagnosing the problem.

* No, we don't bring that up when we see him.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by BR60103 - 08-24-2023, 07:30 PM

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