The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good evening.
       I have been busy.  I got the diesel fueled heater finished in the motor home and it works very well. 

       I have continued scanning my mothers photos and I am down to the last 2 albums and I should have them done by Monday. 

        I decaled some of the bicentennial box cars tonight. If they hold up with the decal solvent tomorrow I will be very happy. The decals applied easily, and I learned a little more about making them, biggest trick so far is coat them well with clear but apply is fairly dry so you don't run the ink, and let the ink dry for at least 24 hours. I did print a few extra decals in case I mess up.    

      It is cold here (above normal temp) but dry. 

       I have 4 books I want to read,  they were written by a friend in Texas and are all related. I read the first one about 3 years ago so I need to re read it so I can continue with the story line which starts during World War I.  They are good enough you can't put them down when you start so I have other things I need to finish. 

       Gas isn't as high as it was but it still needs to drop a lot before I will say it is cheap. 


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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 12-14-2023, 09:26 PM

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